This was consistent with the changes in colony colour observed for reference strains grown in the presence of specific DHN-melanin inhibitors. Two distinct mutations in the ALB1 gene were detected for IHEM 2508 and 9860 isolates, leading to the production
of white powdery colonies; whereas the genetic defect was localised in the ARP2 gene for isolate IHEM 15998, producing brown, powdery colonies. As expected, SEM examination of conidial suspensions from our pigmentless isolates showed a smooth surface. However, a lack of ornamentation was also observed on the conidial surface for the brownish isolate, as well as in reference strains cultivated in the presence of pyroquilon, an inhibitor NSC23766 of the hydroxynaphtalene reductase. Results from flow cytometry experiments confirmed Tofacitinib previous work which suggested that the laminin receptors were located on the ornamentations of the conidial wall. Scanning or transmission electron microscopy, showed that labelling was associated mainly with protrusions selleck inhibitor of the cell wall [21, 22]. The marked decrease in laminin binding receptors to the surface of conidia of mutant isolates compared
to reference strains, together with the smooth-walled appearance of these conidia, strengthens our previous conclusions. Previous work [10] also suggested the presence of at least two distinct adherence systems on the conidial surface in A. fumigatus: 1) the recognition of fibronectin from its tripeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp by two fungal polypeptides of 23 and 30 kDa, and 2) the binding of laminin and fibrinogen by a 72-kDa sialic acid-specific lectin located on the ornamentations of the conidial wall [23]. Our current results also support this hypothesis, showing a slight increase in the
fibronectin binding capaCity of mutant isolates compared with reference Methamphetamine strains, together with a marked decrease in the binding of laminin to the conidial surface. The physical properties of the surface of the conidia were also investigated, as they may contribute to host tissue adherence by bringing interacting surfaces closer and mediating their dehydration. We showed that blockage of the melanin biosynthesis pathway resulted in a marked decrease in the electronegative charge of the conidia, a charge which may be due to ionization of free amine and carboxylic acid groups of some surface proteins. A marked decrease in CSH was also observed for conidia of mutant isolates when compared to reference strains, which was consistent with the increased wettability of the colonies. This result suggests that blockage of the melanin pathway also led to the lack of some hydrophobic components on the conidial surface. The defect in melanin in A. fumigatus mutant isolates could also contribute to the marked loss of adherence properties of their conidia [24], as melanins are hydrophobic molecules and have a negative charge. Youngchim et al.