It is important to note, that CadC is hardly a redox sensor. The differences in the cadBA expression level found for anaerobic and aerobic growth conditions are dependent on H-NS [6]. Therefore, it is proposed that the disulfide bond in CadC provides structural support for the switch of the sensor between the inactive and active state. This assumption is supported by the location of Cys208 within a flexible loop in the N-terminal subdomain buy Ro-3306 [15]. The question arose, how the disulfide bond might be formed and opened in vivo. Enzymes responsible for these processes might be
the periplasmic disulfide oxidoreductases of the Dsb system. CadA activity as indication for cadBA expression was monitored in single dsb and ccmG deletion mutants. However, none of these deletions altered the CadC-mediated induction profile. In all deletion mutants induction of cadBA expression was prevented at pH 7.6, and CadA activity was significantly increased at low pH. These data imply that none of these proteins was essential for the formation or opening of the disulfide bond in CadC. It is worth mentioning, that we found an
elevated CadA activity in the dsbA (encoding a disulfide oxidase), dsbB (encoding a protein that regenerates DsbA) and dsbD (encoding a recycling learn more enzyme for an isomerase/reductase) deletion this website mutants. DsbA/DsbB are responsible for the introduction of disulfide bonds in newly synthesized proteins, thus their lack might support a higher probability of CadC molecules without a disulfide bond and thus the increased CadA activity. The role of DsbD in CadC activation remains unknown. Nevertheless, either these enzymes are functionally redundant, or the spontaneous oxidation by oxygen or low molecular compounds might be responsible mafosfamide for the formation of a disulfide bond in CadC. cadC belongs to the genes/operons with the shortest half-lives
of the mRNA [30]. Based on this result and our finding of a transient activation of CadC [31], we speculate that there is a rapid turnover of CadC and that the disulfide bond is preferentially introduced during de novo synthesis of CadC. The periplasm is accessible for oxygen and therefore allows the spontaneous oxidation of two neighboring cysteines in proteins [32, 33]. Expression of the cadBA operon is induced at low pH, and the induction level is higher in the absence of oxygen [34]. Under these conditions the oxidation of cysteines to cystine is minimized due to the lack of oxygen as well as the surplus of protons which prevents the formation of thiolate anions, the prerequisite for disulfide bond formation [35]. Thus, this shift in the external conditions already dramatically reduces the probability to form a disulfide bond in CadC. Based on these results it is suggested that under non-inducing conditions (pH 7.6) a disulfide bond in the periplasmic domain holds the sensor in an inactive state. Under inducing conditions (pH 5.