44 km/s and 0.56, respectively. For the fabrication of PS multilayers, we consider the inclusion of ‘etch stops’ or ‘etch breaks’ where the current is interrupted to stop the etching of the Si wafer in order to prevent any depletion of HF [37]. The introduction BV-6 in vivo of these etching breaks is necessary to obtain layers with constant porosity with depth [38]. check details Because our samples include very thick layers, with large mismatch porosities between them, the number and length of the etch breaks are important to obtain homogeneous structures. We found that etch breaks of 4 s with a ratio (etch break time)/(etching time) from 3.3 for low porosities
(52 %) to 7.3 for high porosities (67 %) are enough to minimize any chirp in the layers. Results and discussion Thicknesses of layers were measured by optical microscopy, and the layer porosities were determined from optical selleck compound reflectance spectra by fitting our experimental measurements and comparing them with our theoretical simulations for each sample. The acoustic transmission and field intensity distribution have been modeled using the transfer matrix method
described before and taking into account the effect of the sample (PS-Si substrate), transducers (Si pillars), and In-Ga eutectic liquid used to couple the transducers to the sample. Three PS multilayer samples are considered here to show the effect of localization inside the structures. All of them consist of layers a and b repeating alternatively, and a defect layer, c, in the middle of the structure. The sequence used for structures was a b a b a b a b a b a b−c−b a b a b a b a b a b a=(a b)6 c(b a)6. In the first sample (1) porosities and thicknesses of layers a and b are P a =53%, d a =1.15 μm, P b =67%, and d b =1.10 μm, respectively. Here, layer c has the same thickness and porosity of layer a, and therefore, this sample is completely
periodic. The porosities and thicknesses of the layers were chosen to obtain the fundamental stop band within the bandwidth of the acoustic transducers, and satisfying Equation 7. A scheme of structure 1 is displayed in the top panel of Figure 1. The central panel of Figure 1 (solid line) shows the measured acoustic transmission spectrum of the PS periodic structure with a total thickness of approximately 27 μm. The Calpain band gap in the transmission spectrum observed around 1.15 GHz and ranged from 0.94 to 1.38 GHz is the first-order acoustic stop band of the mirror, corresponding to m=1 in Equation 7. This fundamental stop band shows an attenuation of approximately 50 dB with a fractional bandwidth of 37 %. The dashed line is the result of calculations using TMM. Good agreement between modeled and measured spectra is seen. The fine features of the spectrum are not noise but the longitudinal modes of the Si pillars of the transducers and the Si substrate of the sample. The fundamental band gap has a depth of approximately 50 dB which is less than the modeled value of approximately 100 dB.